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수문 내외의 수위차 영어로


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  • lockage
  • 수문    수문 [水門] 『建』 a sluice (gate); a
  • 수위 (수문학)    Stage (hydrology)
  • 내외    내외1 [內外]1 [안팎] the interior and exterior; within and without; the inside and outside. ~의 internal and external. ~의 공격 an attack from inside and outside / an onslaught from within and out. 학교 건물은 ~가
  • 수위    수위 [水位] water level. 위험 ~ the dangerous water level. ~가 낮다[높다] The water level is low[high]. ~가 내려갔다 The water level dropped[fell]. 저수지의 ~가 1미터 올라갔다[내려갔다] The water level in the reservoir rose[fell]
  • 수문    수문 [水門] 『建』 a sluice (gate); a water gate; (방조(防潮)용) a floodgate; (운하의) a lock (gate). ~을 열다[닫다] open[shut] a floodgate[sluice]. ~ 있는 수로 a sluiceway. (배가) ~을 통과하다 pass through a lock.▷ 수문 감시장 a lock
  • 외의    외의 [外衣] =겉옷.
  • 국내외    국내외 [國內外] the inside and outside of the country. ~의 internal and external / home[domestic / native] and foreign. ~ 사정 home[domestic] and foreign affairs. 그 사건은 ~의 신문에 보도되었다 The incident was reported
  • 내외종    내외종 [內外從] cousins; [내종 사촌] cousins by a paternal aunt; [외종 사촌] cousins by a maternal uncle.
  • 내외척    내외척 [內外戚] relatives on one's father's side and mother's side.
  • 수문학 수문학    Hydrology
  • 전위차계    potentiometer; potenciometer
  • 고수위    고수위 [高水位] 『土木·建·機』 high-water level; flood stage.
  • 수위계    water gauge
  • 수위관    Serjeant-at-arms
  • 수위벌    dog bee
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